Warning To The Retirees
Dear CTA Retirees (and soon to be retired):
This is your favorite annoying, know-nothing rookie with a special announcement for you.
Some of y’all think your pension is safe while the rest of us struggle to age 65.
Maybe some of y’all think you will be immune to crap that the insecure elected persons in the union office do in our name.
You trust in the Illustrious Pension Board.
You trust the politicians in Springfield.
No one will touch your money.
No, you are mistaken.
Your pension money is NOT safe.
After they make us all part-time contractors that operate and maintain autonomous buses and trains, no one working here will be paying into a pension. No one will want it.
Your pension is on the chopping block, along with our FT jobs.
Slowly but surely, bit by bit, they are eroding our pension—both our employer and their bootlicking agents in the union office.
But you have a chance to keep what you rightfully earned—and keep it secure for the next generation.
It’s not in the election of a new union president.
It’s not a class action lawsuit.
It’s not in another giant union.
No, there is no shortcut to victory!
We are going to need to FIGHT for it. Together! WE will need to organize and DO what the bootlickers can’t do!
Join the few brave souls willing to piss off the union bosses and put their jobs on the line to speak up and organize.
Yeah, you already did all that...So what? Do it again.
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