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Secret Agreement for Blue Line Shop Workers

The most frustrating part of being an elected union leader is getting no cooperation from our union president nor managers when trying to obtain information.  In this case, it was a secret agreement signed by the Local 308 President and Second Vice President regarding a transfer of workers from Des Plaines Shop (Forest Park Terminal) to Rosemont Shop (River Road). Fortunately, I was able to obtain it through the CTA's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) department. Des Plaines Shop Staff Tran... by Chicago Transit Justice Coa... I am personally very conflicted about the agreement for a number of reasons: Members were not consulted by those who wrote and signed it. I was not consulted as their elected union representative. The agreement—which affects wages—should have been given notice to Executive Board and the membership. This never occurred. This is stated clearly in Section 11(b) of the Local 308 bylaws . Not only is this a violation of the bylaws, it is an offense that states t

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