Pay Raise Rates for Bus and Rail Mechanic (Repairer)

When you are a Repairer/Mechanic, you get raises faster than any other classification. However, if you are not paying attention to your paycheck, you might lose out on some important income! Look at LAST paragraph in Article 3.3 (D) of our Local 241/308 Collective Bargaining Agreement (also viewable online here):

Article 3.3 (D)


Long-story-short: If you have been working at the CTA for one year, your hourly wage should jump to 90% of the Operator Rate (Around $37.50/hour). This is important in that your pension deductions will also start. So take-home pay will be much lower.

If not, let your manager know. You may need to grieve any lost amounts. Let me or any other trusted steward or officer know if you need assistance.


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