Random Drug Test Failure

Some of us get so happy when a coworker fails a random drug/alcohol test.

We really need to reflect on why we think certain ways. All of us are just as flawed and have some form of addiction—or more—than those who get caught.

We all think: It would never happen to me. But then…

We got to start helping each other, y’all.

Pray for your struggling coworker. Not prey on them.

We have a section in our Contract that guarantees two chances if you volunteer for treatment before you get caught with a Random Test. It covers PT, FTT and FTP positions.

If you know someone is struggling, don’t tell coworkers. Tell the person directly that you care about them. Tell them to volunteer for treatment.

Call the Union Vice Presidents and ask about the treatment program. If you are in Local 308, contact Brother Mark Weems. Access their contact information here: https://www.atu308.org/about-atu-308/phone-directory
They will protect your privacy and job.

Don’t think you need to suffer alone.


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