June 4th Meeting For Local 308 Apprentices
There is no good reason why we have multiple tiers of wages for the same jobs at the CTA. It only benefits our employer and kills our pension. It also perpetuates poverty.
As it stands, the Second Chancers—like the CSAs and FTTF's—are abused and mistreated more than the Full-Time Permanent workers. That is just the nature of having crappy PT benefits! The ultimate goal of the CTA is to destroy ALL Full Time union jobs and make us all Part Time and/or outsource those jobs.
The unsafe working conditions for these workers—like the rest of us—are a violation of our Collective Bargaining Agreement. Part of fighting this is to organize and implore our elected union leaders to help us fight for better working conditions and Full-Time jobs for all.
The only elected people in our union who have been cooperative with me—despite my criticisms—is Brother Mark Weems and Sister Pennie McCoach (our Union Vice Presidents). All the others hide from me, call cops on me or fight me (and others at Local 241/308 who think like me).
This Saturday, Brother Mark Weems—our Local 308 Vice President—has arranged with me a special meeting for Second Chance "Apprentices" to plan ways to deal with the explosion of injuries and Contract violations.
The meeting is Saturday, June 4th at 9 am. The location is the Local 308 union office at 11204 S. Western. You cannot be harassed or questioned by CTA managers about this meeting. As long as you are off the clock, you can attend. He and I hope to see you there!
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