ATU Convention Report 2022-09-17
As I do not like how union officials hide what they do with our money, I will not allow myself to be like them and not be fully accountable.
One of the major tasks I have as a delegate will be to vote on various changes to the ATU Constitution and resolutions. I need your input on each of these proposals so I can vote according to your will. Please use this link (For ATU Local 308 members only):
Also, I am keeping an interactive "2022 ATU Convention" journal on Facebook at this link:
What is the "ATU Convention" all about? Here is how it is explained on the website:
"Important business takes place at the Convention regarding amending and adopting the laws and policies of the ATU. At the Convention, delegates will elect the International Officers – International President, International Executive Vice President, International Secretary-Treasurer, and International Vice Presidents."
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