Retention Incentive Disaster (Local 241 and Local 308)

Bonus or stolen wages?

After some teasers from the officials at the previous two membership meetings, we finally got to see what the commotion was about. 

The "Retention Incentive" looks good, but falls short in one major way: The members were not consulted or included in the formation of this Agreement. It also does nothing to resolve the looming doom: Our pension and the years it takes to retire (almost 40 for many younger workers).

See what the CTA says about it here. Looking at the quotes from Presidents Hill and Dixon, it appears that they have been working together on Meeting the Moment—following the lead of our employer. That is not good. They should be working with us. We are the union. Not the CTA.

The Local 308 leadership gets especially annoyed with my criticisms of their work, saying "you should be happy." 

Yes, I am pleased that the CTA can no longer keep FTT Flagmen with RTO qualification out of FTP status Operator for more than 30 days. That beat what we used to have—which was many months to many years. 

However, Flagging is dangerous work. It must be a FTP job. I even wrote a book about it, so as to help new ones thrive at their job. It is called The Professional Flagman

Moreover, it should be part of a renewed expression of the Combined Rail Operator (CRO) FTP job. This is explained in the Chicago Transit Justice Coalition's unofficial Worker's Contract. We call it CRO2 in Article 14.2(n). It includes Conductor.

How Flagging Should Be Classified
What would make me happy is if the officials would stop making decisions for us, without us. We must be included in such things! This is made clear in the Preamble of the ATU Constitution.

Frankly, this agreement does nothing for the most vulnerable and abused tier of workers: The CSA's and the Second Chancers. These men and women do the same work as their full-time coworkers in the same duty. Some are forced to do even more—such as the Second Chancers.

There will be a meeting about it when I am asleep. Strangely, Local 241 and Local 308 meetings will be separate, but at the same time. This appears to be by design. 

Look it over. Please share and discuss with others. 

There is a chance I may be nominated and elected for Local 308 president next year. If I am elected I promise to never agree to anything with the Chicago Transit Authority without ALL members having a chance to participate in the process. What the majority of you decide will be my decision. Using modern technology, it is easier than ever to remove stumbling blocks to communication and democratic processes.

2022 "Retention Incent... by Chicago Transit Justice Coa...


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