Merry X-Mas Hypocrisy From The CTA!
Bah Humbug!
No happy holidays for the hard-working, loyal Second Chancers you laid off last week! I guess that workforce shortage fixed itself with an X-mas miracle!
One Second Chancer passed away because he could not afford to take off for the $15/hour slave wage and waiting months to get a call about a Full-Time job he was more than capable of doing.
You won't even feed the Second Chancers an X-mas dinner with the rest of the employees. We gotta sneak the dinners to them because you are so gxddamn cheap!
You punish these men and women for sleep apnea tests in order to prevent them from getting on a path toward Full-Time jobs. But they can barely survive on the poverty time wages.
No happy holidays for the poor CSA's who get no holiday pay and must work in stations with defective radios, unsanitary working conditions and sexual harassment! Threatening Flagmen with failed qualifications or write-ups if their hardhat falls off, but you won't give them the proper hardhats with chinstraps!
Shame on you, CTA mismanagement! Perpetuating poverty through PTT, FTT and Second Chance jobs. Playing games and partying while we are literally falling apart as you spit on our Collective Bargaining Agreement day after day!
Then you make deals with ATU Local 308 President Eric "The Boss" Dixon to violate members Weingarten Rights for choosing who represents them in punishment meetings! Let's not even get into your interference in our union affairs through photo ops and arrest of an opponent for the reelection of ATU Local 241 President Keith "The Anointed One" Hill!
Enjoy your delusions of holiday happiness. The end of it coming as this disrespectful treatment will no longer be tolerated by the CTA workers. A non-violent and informed revolution is brewing—one that your agents in the union office cannot control.
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