So You Want To Fire Me?

Bosses get mad when I talk about the hazards they won't fix
Some of you CTA managers are telling my coworkers that I am going to be fired for condemning CTA Poverty Time jobs and mismanagement.

Some of you are telling coworkers to do things to me that will give you some kind of advantage. You have a few bootlicking agents. But the vast majority don’t agree with you at all—and they are increasingly coming to embrace my message.

You are trying to make them afraid of exercising their off-the-clock protected rights as a union member.

I know Labor Law, the Contract, the CTA Rules and the US Constitution better than half of you.

Quit threatening to fire me. Quit telling coworkers you are going to fire me. To protest is OUR RIGHT!

You are messing with the wrong union steward.

And if you don't like how I am not "fast" when I work, you need to back off on that as well. I take pride in my work and strive to adhere to the safety rules—for the protection of myself and my coworkers. So if you think I am holding up your production line because I am double-checking the manual or bulletin, just go ahead and write me up. Don't rush me!

Educate yourselves from these easy-to-read cards by the National Labor Relations Board and quit threatening me. I have also included them below.

If you do not cease and desist threats of termination, I will pummel you with Unfair Labor Practice charges and loud protests all day if you don’t chill with this crap.


NLRB Know Your Rights Cards... by Chicago Transit Justice Coa...


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