My Debate with a CTA Mismanager

Union steward versus company manager

In probably one of the most significant public displays of public debate for CTA labor-management relations history—or bold manager troll—I had the privilege of debating a mismanager regarding the violation of our Collective Bargaining Agreement. 

Specifically, he was trolling hard about our so-called Second Chance "Apprentice" Agreement. I have been involved in working with this highly-exploited group of CTA workers for almost two years and the CTA mismanagement—and their union agents of business—are steaming mad.

This mismanager is the gift that keeps on giving. Debating coworkers on militant issues and Revolutionary Unionism can be taxing. It really sucks to frequently need to fight with people who would benefit from the results of organizing a real union fight. 

However, I am elated when my opponents—and sworn enemy of many coworkers who they harass and violate—engage me in debate.

Assuming the original thread will not be deleted or altered by the mismanager, below are screenshots (which I will update should the thread continue with new additions). 

Please keep in mind that I only post while off-duty and I never ever engage in such debates with mismanagers on CTA property. When that happens, one's First Amendment and job protection rights can quickly erode. 

Please comment, share and be inspired. I hope you will see that you do not need to fear the mismangers, elected leaders or anyone for that matter. 


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