The CTA is Desperate to Silence the Workers!

All it takes is one stone of Truth to Topple a Giant!
In May, 2023 I initiated an Unfair Labor Practice charge against my employer for trying to discourage me and my coworkers from protesting off-the-clock and on public property.

The photos below of the CTA mismanagement’s illegal fliers really made my day. Ironically, the day they posted the fliers, I had decided to take a break from protesting that week. So I immediately went outside the shop—on a public sidewalk—to protest in a video defying their “rule.”

The CTA mismanagers are the most stupid, greedy, dangerous bosses I have ever known in my 50+ years of life. It is astonishing how our elected union leaders have been so silent and apologetic about their behavior!

By the way, I am still employed. I am still a union steward and ATU delegate. I am still defiant.  

The tedious process begins when the IRLB acknowledges the charge

The CTA law department will need to acknowledge the charge

ULP charges I typed out so they would be easy to read for all

Coworkers showed me this flier on the time clocks

The idiots think we are the Park District

The mismanagement uses fear of irrelevant rules to discourage protesting

Park District rules don't apply to people on public sidewalks



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