Stop Rushing Us!

Quit Rushing RTOs
Dear CTA Transportation managers: Stop rushing my RTO coworkers—especially the rookies. 

You are stressing them out and they are running signals. You are ruining the careers and health of good human beings that I care about.

I know your game. I have been there and seen it first-hand.

But be clear: I am telling you this as a Local 308 union steward with no fear of your dislike for my outspokenness. 

I don’t like the pattern of destruction you are on at the CTA. In my short time here, I have seen this place get worse (I started in 2018). You are responsible for it. 

You also know that the OPTO (One Person Train Operation) crap makes it hard as hell for RTOs to keep up—even on a good day—without delays. 

You got them being Conductors, Firefighters, Group Home Counselor, Security Guard, Motorcab Moppers, Human Punching Bag, Walking Gun Range Target, Switchman, Towerman, Q&A Radio Talker, Line Cut Tour Guides, Lost and Found and everything else but operating the fxxxing trains!

For example, ridiculous six-page bulletins and scripts they must read aloud during construction projects are absolutely aggravating and distracting. 

My advice to you:
  • Focus less on “Appreciation” parties and trinkets. 
  • Focus more on respecting the Contract and our dignity.
    Encourage the new RTOs to NEVER sacrifice safety for on-time performance. Do this by rewarding them for reporting defects and preparing their train for service as per SOP. 
  • Quit punishing them for delays out of their control and hazards that are your responsibility to remove.
    Let them learn the train, their routes, the riders and maintain a sustainable pace. 
  • Barking at Controllers, Terminal Supervisors and RTOs will not make things better! You will only encourage risky corner-cutting, resentment and deadly accidents.
Treat these humans with great respect. The rookies especially deserve tremendous patience.

RTOs should enjoy the job. Not hate it!


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