Crime in Progress: Slave Wage CTA Jobs

Hiring Part Time workers to do Full Time tasks
Oh, the IRONY! 
The CTA’s slave wage exploitation Second Class Program is using photos from the Full-Time Rail Janitors “Power Wash” crew. 
That is clear admission of gross violations—and unethical intentions—against Attachment O, paragraph 5 of our Collective Bargaining Agreement
Undoubtedly embarrassed by the way I exposed their sloppy promotion, my employer scrambled to post a new flier showing a Rail Car Servicer doing work that is allowable as per the Collective Bargaining Agreement. This happened within two hours after I posted the article on LinkedIn—which is followed religiously by many CTA mismanagers and Truth-seeking coworkers. 

You can no longer find the flier above on the CTA LinkedIn page!

This program has poor and vulnerable men and women doing DANGEROUS work of Full Time Permanent Servicers and Janitors at minimum wage, 40-hour workweeks, anemic benefits and threats of termination if they report harassment or injuries. 
This program is destroying our union. It pits multiple tiers of maintenance workers against each other. In Local 241, they have a dues discount. In Local 308, they pay the full amount. Neither gets equal rights with the full-time maintenance workers.

I am a Local 308 union steward who has battled constantly with our cruel mismanagers that abuse these good human beings. Even some of our own union officers and stewards won’t help them fight for their rights! Last December, myself and other coworkers protested the laying off of Second Chancers that had served loyally for many years. As a guest speaker for the PLP May Day celebration, I made my first public condemnation of CTA mismanagement's inhumane treatment of my coworkers (video below).

The CTA boasts about exploiting human beings

The “Second Chance Program” is an utter catastrophe, born from a vile orgy of greed by corrupt, boss-loving business unionist sellouts, clueless piece of shxt CTA executives and spinless politicians. Amalgamated Transit Union presidents Kenneth Franklin and Keith Hill—who signed off on this Agreement—will forever be remembered as traitors. 
I compare presidents Franklin and Hill to the Cherokee Indian chiefs, Major and John Ridge that signed an agreement with the United States to relocate their nation to Oklahoma.
I have seen the CTA mismanagers destroy lives and careers of good, hard-working humans in this ”Second Class Program” and I refuse to be silent!

Until this Second Class Program keeps Rail Car Servicers on platform duty only (as per paragraph 5 in the aforementioned Agreement) and guarantees ALL participants a Full Time Permanent Rail/Bus Servicer/Janitor job within 6 months of no safety or drug violations, this is nothing but modern day slavery!

It must change NOW or end! 


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