Campaign 2023: My Pledge
Nominations are on October 10, 2023 and if you want me to run, you need to show up at 6:30 pm on 11204 S. Western in-person. The lame Local 308 bylaws only permit nominations in-person and I will not be nominating myself!
ATU Chicago officials and candidates are all talking about organizing sports teams, outings and raising money for more parties.
But they laugh at and humiliate members who want to organize protests, civil disobedience and strikes for a better Contract.
They act as a public relations agent for the CTA and are full of crap.
If I get nominated for whatever members think is best for the November Local 308 election, I plan to make the union boss secret meetings known to the members. As your voice in those meetings, I will challenge anything the union bosses say that contradicts what you want.
I suggest that you nominate me for Executive Board (Vehicle Maintenance) and ATU Delegate. The Executive Board spot is only available to vote on for Repairers, Servicers and Motor Blowers. However, Delegate is open for ALL members to vote in. There is also other officer spots that all members can vote in such as Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and President. You can nominate me for all. But I will have to chose one.
No matter what you nominate me for, I intend on exposing every single sellout act of the union officials and their votes against grievances at the Executive Board meetings. I have no intentions on uniting with them on anything that I think does not help us be a real union. I will commend them when they do good and criticize when they do wrong.
I plan to name names and help the members put Section 22 charges on all officials who side with managers, insult members, refuse to answer their questions or deny their democratic rights at membership meetings. We can throw all of them out before the end of their term if we choose.
For managers that abuse coworkers and refuse to throw out writeups that members feel are unjust, I intend on naming and shaming them in public. Should the union president ban me from the union office or prevent me from assisting members that request me, I will also publicly name and shame him (or her).
Just like the CTA mismanagers keep a list of coworkers they will “interview” for writeups, I plan to make one about them.
When I walk in that manager’s office with a member, they better throw out the writeup or deal with the consequences of protected speech and concerted action.
For two years I have been a volunteer steward that has faced down mismanagers and corrupt union officials to defend my coworkers.
The CTA mismanagement has been destroying our union for well over 30 years. I do not want to be a part of their conspiracy if I am elected as an officer.
For three years I have been an elected ATU delegate and I stood up to the International President and his stooges as they helped President Keith Hill, President Eric Dixon and Secretary of Treasure Deborah Lane punish officers and members who did not obey them.
Frankly, there is nothing I can do as an individual to change the course of destruction we are on as a union. That requires more of us to step up and be the change. As long as it just me speaking up, there will be little to no progress for democracy for our union.
Until that happens, I can only commit to keep doing what I have been doing.
- Share information about what is going on.
- Never block or refuse to communicate with a member, no matter how much I may dislike them. Never discuss members' cases to anyone without their permission.
- Never agree to an Agreement, Contract or Amendment without your approval.
- Defend you from the evil CTA mismanagers and lying politicians.
- Inspire you to be united and militant in the fight for our jobs and lives.
If you want to be a part of helping me do these things, sign up for my mailing list now:
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