Braking Algorithms: The Boss Is Always Right

The Mismanagement Blames Everything But Themselves

Roll the dice.
The boss is always right.
38 humans were hurt the other night.

They say it's from the Braking Algorithms.
The boss is always right.
I survived another year without losing a limb.
2% raises.
Tripled inflation.
Budgets tight.

Broken lifts.
Toxic waste in the vents.
Missing tools.
Stolen wages, no sick days or working toilets.
Swap out broken parts.
Make it fit.
Back alley quick fast in a hurry.
Multi-million dollar trains, stations
And workers living in poverty.

Boss-loving, bootlicking union fools.
One man.
One woman.
Two-Person Crews is against the rules.
Just be quiet.
Eight cars of pure chaos.
Broken bus.
Worn out knees, wrists and backs.
It was the Braking Algorithms, so they tell us.

Get the facts.
Wait and see.
Stupid business union excuses while they kick our ass.
Desperate suiciders and angry late-to-work commuters.
Dried feces at my feet.
The portapottie smells like pee.

My six-digit salaried union president wants to strangle me:
Sellout slob.
Just trying to do my job.

Gotta be fair to the boss.
All I see are needles, weed smoke and hopelessness.
Pure greed surrounds us.
Random drug tests.
Death, fires, Operators forced to work late.
Popcorn, pizza and donut appreciation.
Call the counselor.
Here's a holiday party.
It’s gonna be alright.
38 humans were almost shredded when they collided the other night.

Call the lawyers and the politician voicemail hotline.
Mental-moral homicide.
Second Chance slavery
FMLA, seniority, human rights denial ride.

Zip tie, duct tape or slip and fall.
Hurry up and get that train out tonight.
It doesn’t matter if we die because the boss is right.
Blame It on the Braking Algorithms.
It couldn’t be him.
It's the fault of those Algorithms.


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