Ten Days To Investigate Rule Violations

Maybe you received something like this from a CTA mismanager when they notified you about a sin you committed at work recently:

Article 16 of our Collective Bargaining Agreement "Contract" does not permit them "additional time to complete its investigation of alleged rule violations. In fact, they only get 10 days. Not 30+ days. 

For President "Out of Order and Run 'em Over" Dixon to sacrifice our Contract for this strange "good relationship" with the CTA mismanagement, demonstrates corrupt conduct. It also shows no regard for the incoming union president and officers who will have even more work to do—and less time transitioning to their new roles. 

He is also in clear violation of Section 30(b) of the Local 308 bylaws:

"The Local" is the membership. Not his rubber-stamp posse of loyalists.

It is important to know your rights—and the rights of the CTA regarding our working conditions. We should never help them violate the Contract. 

When an official does this—especially without getting our permission as the membership—we must put charges on and punish them. They work for us. We don't work for them. Local 308 belongs to the membership. Not to the officials.


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