An Open Letter to Local 308 Members and VP Mark Weems

Go ahead. Call the cops. Truth is disruptive to the union sellouts
I refuse to be silent as a Local 308 Executive Board Member. The members have a right to know what decisions we make regarding their lives and jobs. 

I may possibly be the shortest term union rep in Local 308 history to be removed by a president and Executive Bored, but the repercussions will be profound for union democracy in Chicago. 

No, I will not appease Mark “Shadow President” Weems and Pennie “Policeperson” McCoach. Don’t expect me to do it. Don’t even waste your time trying to convince me. 

I will listen to your advice. I respect your honesty with me. But at some point you will realize that appeasement of dictators only prolongs oppression and wastes valuable time. 
It is unacceptable, abnormal and straight-up weird for a union president to call police on a member or officer because they do not like their words or personality—or for any other reason.

I am now over 50 years old. I have very little time left and cannot waste it playing nice with six-digit-salaried stooges of the billionaire Bloodsuckers of the Poor. 

I will defy their tyranny to the very end—just like I did to numerous CTA mismanagers, Franklin, Hill, Lame and Dixon. As long as I live and breathe, no man or woman will control nor oppress me.

Below is a chronicle of this ridiculous battle of a whole frigging cabal of union bosses that are more obsessed with silencing an outspoken, militant choo-choo train mechanic, than they are for organizing members to fight for Paid Sick Days, Full-Time Jobs For All, Proper Tools and Equipment, Two-Person Crews and more. 
January 5th: Vice President Mark is furious with my "unprofessional" words and acts of sympathy for fired coworkers and condemnation of CTA mismanagement. He orchestrates my removal with reps Maurice Booker and Corey Carr. Sister President Pennie—nor any other Executive Bored member—voices no objection to the trifling bullshxt. The vote is unanimous for my removal. 
My sins: 
  • I muttered "hmm-hmm," "that's some BS" and nodded yes—expressing sympathy when a member was answering my questions about his termination. I worked with that brother on the Blue Line when I was a CSA and felt very bad about his situation. It is like VP Mark wants us to be a cold, "impartial" judge or something ridiculous. Sorry, but I work for Local 308 members. I ain't no fxxxing arbitrator/apologist for the CTA mismanagement!

  • Telling a member how many Executive Bored members voted to let the CTA get away with firing her (I identified no one but myself as one of two who voted to send her case to arbitration). One member lied, saying I identified someone "with a beard." Whatever.

  • Not worshiping our so-called union lawyer when I asked her how much the CTA pays her after she defended the disgusting "third party administrator" Sedgwick/Reed decision to deny doctor's orders for an injured member. Much credit to Asst. Shop Rep. Lamont and and Red South Operations Rep Tom for calling out the wickedness of Sedgwick/Reed as they play doctor and cause a long-time CTA employee to lose her job.

I am ordered to leave the Executive Bored Meeting by President Pennie. I refuse and police are called to enforce her ridiculous directives. See video here:
January 7th (morning): I email a complaint to the Amalgamated Transit Union International President:
Greetings Brother International President Costa:

On January 5, 2024, Brother Mark Weems—the Local 308 Vice President—orchestrated my removal from our Executive Board meeting (which also served as “orientation”). 

Without protest from the chairperson, Sister President Pennie McCoach, gathered seconded motions from Brothers Corey Carr and Maurice Booker to hold a successful vote for my removal. 

Their stated reasons: 

1. Brother Mark was furious that I asked how much our employer pays Attorney Anita Tanay and cast doubt on her allegiance to the ATU regarding unjust terminations of members. 

2. I expressed sympathy with a member who was fired as he answered my questions. 

3. I directly told a member—who the Executive Board voted not-to-arbitrate—how many votes were for her and how many were against her. Other than myself, I mentioned no names. I suggested she recruit coworkers to overturn their decision at the next membership meeting and I would assist her with filing Unfair Labor Practice charges against our employer if that failed. 

I refused to leave when ordered to by Sister President Pennie. She recessed the meeting and had the Chicago Police Department escort me from the building. I recorded that part in this video:

I learned later that day, she and the board deliberated and drafted charges for misconduct and possible removal as an elected union official. I suppose they will submit them after I am sworn in on Tuesday. 

This is a horrible start for a new administration and has wasted precious time!

I was duly elected by my coworkers to be paid lost wages and spend the entire day at this meeting. I was also supposed to receive instructions on my duties and obligations as a new officer. Instead, I spent most of the day at home!

The ATU belongs to the members and it was my campaign pledge that I would unconditionally defend them and hide no secrets from them (personal, identifying information notwithstanding). 

I have utilized modern technology to establish a virtual union hall where I interact with members at anytime, anywhere. It is growing, members are being educated and inspired to fight our stingy employer. 

I attempted to submit a multi-page report that details my work to Brother Cleveland Atkins, our new Secretary-Treasurer for the record prior to the meeting, but he refused to take it. You can access it here: REDACTED

The ATU is defined as an organization of workers (Preamble). NOT a union official personality cult for Brother Mark, Sister Pennie or me. Not a fan club for Attorney Tanay. Not a security racket that helps our employer fire us for bullshxt and incompetence.

But this is exactly what it has become!

We could be organizing mass action to win 33% raises, Full Time Jobs For All, Paid Sick Days, Two-Person Crews, proper tools and equipment and so much more. 

But no! We must go to war with outspoken and militant members/stewards in our own union?

Our Collective Bargaining Agreement has expired. Our bank account is evaporating. Members are withholding dues. Countless members were never signed up or given union orientation as per Article 2 of our CBA. 

Removing me from meetings because Vice President Mark or President Pennie and their loyalist Executive Board don’t like what I say in defense of members is vain and utterly disrespectful of the Preamble and Obligation of our Constitution!

Local 308 is dying financially and morally and these officers want to democratically assassinate one official who has NO power or evidence of desire to do or say anything that can harm them or the members!

According to Section 8 of the ATU Constitution, you have an obligation to send an International Officer to this terrible situation. 

Whether you like me or not, I have a RIGHT and OBLIGATION to be present at my Executive Board meetings without harassment or threats of arrest, regardless of my questions or President Pennie and Vice President Weems’s ambiguous Rules of Conduct. 

As it stands, fear from the wrath of Brother Mark governs the Executive Board. Some of them actually agree with me, but are afraid to speak up. 

Do you think that is healthy for our union?

I sure don’t!

I need to be made whole with a complete new officer orientation and my rights restored to express freedom of thought at the Executive Board and Membership meetings. 

Will you at least support that remedy?

If not, I implore you to at least see the bigger picture and stop justifying control of members and officers—and extol the ATU Chicago elected people to embrace diversity of thought and democracy as defined in our Obligation!

Empower the members and demand that the LU leadership embrace free-thinking, dissent and democracy. It will not weaken us. It will make us strong!


Brother Eric Basir
Local 308 Union Steward
Local 308 Vehicle Maintenance Executive Board Elect (Rep)

January 7th (afternoon): I received these two text messages directly from Brother VP Weems, presumably after he read the carbon copy of the email to King Costa (my response is in a green bubble):

Brother Mark's quick response to my complaint

 January 8th: My public response to Brother VP Mark Weems text messages: 

Do what you gotta do Brother Mark. I have no fear of you, your recordings or your minutes. In fact, I welcome the sharing of your recordings—because I am sharing with the members what happened that day.

I fear only the God and His anger should I ever side with cruel, murderous, demonic CTA mismanagement that terrorizes my poor coworkers. I hate them, brother. I hate them all! They have ruined the lives of so many good, decent human beings. I would lick a rail car floor at 3 A.M. before I side with them on anything when it comes to them punishing us.

I don’t care if a member hijacks a bus, a train and robs a bank. I care deeply for our suffering coworkers—no matter how bad they may seem. That’s because I know and witness that the CTA mismanagement—and this wicked world of profits over people—dehumanizes us. They make us lose our minds and do horrible things to self and others.

There is no "beauty" in this catastrophe of union democracy dear Brother. None! It is vile and nauseating.

There is no "beauty" in hiding information from members.

There is no "beauty" in you and Sister Pennie banishing me by calling police for saying things you don't like.

We are in a war, Brother Mark. A war waged on us by the billionaire bloodsuckers of the poor. A war against humans who WE are SWORN and PAID to serve, defend and empower to exercise direct collective action and make a BETTER WORLD.

It is ugly as seven levels of Hell in this war when union officials PUNISH other members and officials simply because they criticize or speak in an "unprofessional" manner.

Loyalty to and being quiet for union officials is not why I was elected. The members elected me because they know I will inform them and be their unconditional advocate.

The CTA mismanagement is pleased with your, Sister Pennie and the Board's acts to punish me. But there is a growing number of CTA workers who are not pleased.

Do you really want this kind of heat? Should we engage in a long skirmish like I did with Out-Of-Order Dixon and Franklin?

When I met with Sister Pennie, I told her I am sick and tired of fighting with union officials. All I want is to speak, initiate motions and move on—win or lose. Don’t like it? Then debate. But don’t try to vanquish me—or ANY member because you don’t like our personality!

Although I stand by every word I wrote and am totally disgusted with your trifling and reckless behavior towards me—for the sake of the members—let's try again next month.

Although retaliation for injustice is prescribed in my Book as a Muslim, Reconciliation is also a facet. In fact, it is preferred by Allah (God). For the sake of the members, I will take the first step. 

January 9th: I am served false charges by Brother Secretary-Treasurer Cleveland Atkins at the mass membership meeting where I would be sworn in as an Executive Board member:

Poorly composed and improperly proferred charges

January 11th: After being served the false charges, I created a petition to gather support for dropping the charges. I then sent this follow up letter to the Amalgamated Transit Union International President in which I use the ATU Constitution to demolish the each line of their false charges:
Greetings Brother International President Costa:

This is an important follow-up to my email message dated January 8, 2024. 

The attached copy of Section 22 charges against me—regarding what I complained about—are improperly proffered, false and are evidence that the signatories have very little knowledge of the ATU Constitution (nor sympathy for the members whose lives they affect).

It was handed to me by Secretary-Treasurer Cleveland Atkins on the night of our membership meeting of January 9, 2024 before I was sworn in as Executive Board member by ATU International Vice President Marcellus Barnes. 

- The charges were improperly proffered. As of today, Sister President Pennie McCoach has not notified the membership about these charges. According to Section 22.3, these false charges were supposed to be served at least 15 days BEFORE the regular meeting and contemporaneously (at the same time) posted at our work locations. She had them served ONLY to me during the meeting. 

She and the Executive Board are out-of-order. 

- Who are the people who signed it? According to Section 22.3, any signatory must be a member in good standing. As shown in their false charges, none of them can be identified or confirmed by any member. None of the names are legible, the first one is in pencil. The CTA identification numbers—knowledge of which is not freely accessible—is proprietary employer information. 

Are we to believe these mysterious people are members in good standing? How can the members know—for a fact—if they are members?

- According to Section 22.4, these false charges were supposed to have been brought before the regular meeting. At that meeting they were supposed to be voted on by the membership to decide if they are worthy of consideration. Not a single word about them was discussed during the meeting. 

Ironically, prior to swearing in, Sister President called me and the officers together in her office for a prayer about unity and cooperation in service to the membership. 

- First chargeAccording to Section 22.1, the charges must be specific. Is the aforementioned Code of Conduct from the ATU Constitution and/or Local 308 bylaws? What is the Section? Which particular codes did I refuse to abide by? Why are no specific codes of conduct cited? When did I refuse to abide by them? What did I say or do that proves I was not abiding by it? There are about two dozen Code of Conduct requirements. Some are very ambiguous and are constantly being violated by Board Members with no punishment. 

- Second charge: Again, this charge is out-of-order regarding Section 22.1. It is non-specific and could be applied to anyone at anytime. What incident that required votes did I reveal, to whom and where? Did I reveal identifying information? If so, whose information? And was that person willing to be identified? If not, why? Why are members sent away while the Board votes? Why was it common practice 20+ years ago to question, deliberate and vote in the presence of the member? Why the secrecy now? Is the union an agent for the member or an agent for the employer?

- Third charge: Who did I allegedly share this threat to put [ILRB] “labor charges” on Local 308? When? In fact, I have never done, nor advocated such a thing. In fact, I discourage it! That includes calling police on members. All my labor charges are against our outlaw, terrorist employer! It is public record! 

Ironically, not a single ATU official has ever assisted with or supported my labor charges—nor Section 22 charges I have submitted for their betraying members to managers, refusing to enroll new members and using violence against me when they refuse to answer questions. 

Frankly, this charge is a goddamn lie! I told a member—who the Board abandoned—that I would ASSIST her in filing ILRB charges against the CTA if the membership could not overturn the Board’s decision. The CTA fires good, hard-working people like her to no fault of their own. That is my DUTY as a union official to help them!

Ironically, after barely succeeding to do just that at the January 9th membership meeting, I told her again. In addition I told her the officials are trying to punish me for helping her. She was confused why they would do that. 

- Fourth charge: What directives did I refuse? What disruption did I do to warrant police be called? Why was Sister President Pennie removing an elected union officer who was being paid by the members to be present and advocate for them? 

This entire document wreaks of unprofessional and corrupt misconduct by persons who seem more obsessed with silencing one militant voice—but not concerned at all about the expired Contract, our low wages and defending the CTA and its third-party administrator. 

These charges are not about some contrived Code of Conduct. It is squarely about my unwavering support for human beings who are chronically abused by a cold-blooded, merciless, outlaw employer. 

Freedom and expression and passion regarding the ATU Preamble and Obligation should be embraced and encouraged. Not met with vindictiveness and tyranny! These charges are nonsense, an embarrassment to the ATU and a condemnation of insecure, undemocratic, inept, pro-CTA misleadership.
January 29th: Sister President releases a video on her website promoting the false charges with no actual facts to substantiate them. I rebut each sentence in the video and post online below

February 26, 2024: ATU International President John Costa responds to my complaint about the false charges.
The deal is done and money is gone. The charges are "moot"

Thousands of dollars and hours wasted on false charges. What a pathetic administration.


  1. I wish I had your phone number 308…so that I can call you personally! SHOW YOU HOW TOO EVERY CASE….
    The best and most superior way to win. Every case with Chicago Transit Authority rather Be it … 241 or 308. You must have an Attorney powerful Attorney WITH Etiquette …that will not take CTA‘s money or gifts. You must have a powerful Psychiatrist that will not take CTA‘s money or gifts You must definitely have a PHD+Doctor of Professional Doctor that will not take CTA’s money or gifts or falsify Medical Documentation OR LOSE Required Documentations for CTA meaning Chicago chancellor authority, 241 and 308 including Concentra- is old and Clerer they have renewed them back again hilarious.

    1. We really need members to get INVOLVED and take responsibility of their union.


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