Refuting The False Charges: Reconciliation Is Possible!

The union bosses lie and disregard bylaws that check their corruption

No union official has ever accepted my efforts to reconcile differences. They only want to be a boss and punish me and others who do not obey them. Still, I believe in Atonement and its importance in everything we do.

Early after I was expelled from the Executive Bored Meeting and charges were drafted, I reached out to all officers. Here is the text of the email message I sent on January 13th. 

Greetings fellow board members:

Look at this inspiring campaign for paid sick leave that our Teamsters brothers and sisters have been engaged in:

Instead of wasting valuable time punishing me for my egregious sins of passion for members’ jobs and non-conformity, how about we discuss ACTION to fight for accruable, irrevocable paid sick leave that exceeds the state law for our new Contract?

Let’s put our dislike for each other aside and make plans for a series of member-led petitions, civil disobedience and protests for this kind of stuff. 

For one day! 

Just you and me, focused on helping our poor coworkers fight for a better life and safer working conditions! 

We can smile, frown, shout, whisper, curse, laugh and cry. No judgement! No cops! Just hammer out SOLUTIONS for the good humans that pay us to serve them!

Moreover, let’s give ALL members equal representation through a build up for strikes to establish Full-Time Jobs For All, Two Person Crews and a real Apprentice Program. These Poverty Time jobs we bargained for are killing our union and our pension. They got to go. 

Let’s put ourselves at the vanguard of human rights in Illinois. Let’s become the envy of other unions instead of being the butt of their jokes. 

Let’s respect each other’s differences and BUILD on what we have in common: Make work safer, increase wages and fight back like a real union. 

I guarantee you that the members will start caring for their union if we start to trust and care for them over our comfy relationships with mismanagers. Not only will we look like a real team, but our new president will look like an agent of the members that they need. 

Workers will be begging to opt-in and not opt-out. We will truly become ONE ATU instead of a FAKE TU.  

You ready? 

I am calling for a ceasefire with you if you are willing to engage in total war with our cheap, murderous employer with me and the members. 

See you next month. 

Brother Eric Basir
Local 308 Union Steward
Local 308 Vehicle Maintenance Executive Board Elect (Rep)
I have yet to receive any response. But if I do, I will certainly engage with whoever is willing to take a step toward it.


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