Refuting The False Charges: Same As The First!

The union bosses lie and disregard bylaws that check their corruption
Look at the second of President Pennie and VP Mark's false charges: Again, this charge is out-of-order regarding specificity as explained in Section 22.1 of the ATU Constitution.
It is non-specific and could be applied to anyone at anytime. Moreover, it is the same as the first false charge. So they want to charge me twice for the same alleged crime?

What incident that required votes did I reveal, to whom and where? 
Did I reveal identifying information? 
If so, whose information? 
And was that person willing to be identified? 
If not, why? 
Why are members sent away while the Board votes? 
Why was it common practice 20+ years ago to question, deliberate and vote in the presence of the member? 
Why the secrecy now? 
Is the union an agent for the member or an agent for the employer?


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