Refuting The False Charges: Votes Ain't Words

The union bosses lie and disregard bylaws that check their corruption
The first of President Pennie and VP Mark's false charges against me are totally out of order (below). According to Section 22.1 of the ATU Constitution, charges against an officer or member must be specific.

Are these rules in the Code of Conduct from the ATU Constitution and/or Local 308 bylaws? 
Which particular codes did I refuse to abide by? 
Why are no specific codes of conduct cited? 
When did I refuse to abide by them? 
What did I say or do that proves I was not abiding by it? 
Some are very ambiguous and are constantly being violated by other Board Members when I was present. They were not punished at all!

Which part of the Code of Conduct? Take a look at this morass of ambiguity and try to figure out the specificity of the charges:

Let's presume they meant to say it was Number 6: Exactly which words from the meeting did I reproduce or transmit without anyone's permission? 

In VP Weem's disorderly hijacking of the meeting and disruption of the business at hand—a violation of multiple Codes of Conduct—I responded to his false accusations that I told a member which members sided with the CTA on her case. 
I did no such thing! Then I added that I told her the number of votes for and against the CTA's immoral acts against her. The only person I mentioned voting for her was myself and an another (who I did not identify). 

I transmitted no words! I reproduced no words! I told a member how many VOTES were cast in her case!


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