Return of The Boogeyman

I am on union payroll today and will be at maintenance shops where I was illegally removed by police the other week. As allowed by our Contract and the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, I will be assisting coworkers with punishment interviews and information. 

Those of you who care about that GM that harassed me and slapped our union in the face should advise that GM:

IF I am harassed again, I will submit MORE Unfair Practice Labor Charges against the GM

Our Contract has expired. We are working more for less. We are sick and tired of being punished for being sick and injured

We are not going to keep being the doormat of cackling, pompous Greedy Monsters who lust for power at the CTA!

You and your agents of business thought you had me unelected on Feb. 13th and my coworkers surprised you. 

Well, I am coming back with empty hands a heart full of passion for Justice and Truth. 

I fear only the wrath of my God and His Judgement—Not you and your 911-dialing fingers of fury!

See you at the Rail Maintenance Shops. I hope this time, you will respect the Contract and the Law


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