The Union Does Not Belong to The Union Officers

Dear Union Members: Take control of your union. It belongs to you.

We, the Union Officers are not your boss. We are not your gods. We are not your parents. We are honored servants of yours—not messengers of CTA managers.

You are the "top." You are "the boss." You are the "chain of command."

We ain't shxt without your dues, your votes and your directives.

Our loyalty must be to you.

Our relationship with you supersedes any relationship with managers and politicians. Expect it. Demand it. Any other way is treason.

As they tried to punish me—and utterly failed—for being disloyal to their fake Code of Conduct, you can do the same thing with Article 22 against them for betraying you and our very real Local 308 bylaws and ATU Constitution. I will be glad to help you purge Local 308/241 of the boss-loving elected misleadership. 

But don't forget that our real enemy are the Bloodsuckers of the Poor and their instruments of destruction: The CTA mismanagement.  

Regardless, when we violate the members, you have an obligation to punish us through enforcement of the ATU bylaws and Constitution. You must be the watchdog of the union. Be merciless and swift when we wrong you. We, the elected people, are your employees.

The union belongs to you. Not to me. Not to the president. Definitely not to the CTA or the politicians.

Take control of your union. It belongs to you.


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