Hot Summer Showdown! Boogeyman vs. CTA Lawyer

The session may last two days
Today, I go toe-to-toe with the CTA's chief six-digit-salaried lawyer in front of a Illinois Labor Relations Board Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) regarding threats against workers at 98th Shop by a CTA mismanager.

This could be a historic battle for worker's rights at the CTA. Of course, my boss-worshiping union president, vice president and their CTA lawyer will not be in attendance. That makes me glad because they always side with CTA mismanagement when it comes to issues of fighting for what is right anyway.

So it will just be me and my God with the Truth. If I lose, I will have gone down fighting and others may still live in fear. From it, I will learn how to fight better. If I win, EVERY CTA worker will be able to see what is possible if we fight back. They will see that they have nothing to fear!

Ironically, if I win this case, my fellow union officials will be seen by the members as supporters of our outlaw employer (again). So by refusing to support my efforts to defend our rights, they legitimize my mission. 

I am looking forward to this fight. How about you?

Read about the Unfair Labor Practice charge that led to this court hearing:

I plan to post updates at the original article.


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