Democracy is Only Drastic To Tyrants

No Saturday Membership Meetings Until January!

In this month's report to the membership, I cover some issues you may already be aware about. However, those who are not registered for the Virtual Union Hall may not have seen them. One of which is President Pennie's postponement for the start of Saturday membership meetings until January (a bylaw reform initiated by former Local 308 President Ken Franklin).

Members voted for it. Members want it. To delay it is totally unjust. When I asked, her reasoning was unclear. She said it would be "too drastic" to start now. It had something to do with the Pick. 

According to Oxford New English Dictionary, drastic means "likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme…"

So making it easier for members to participate in union affairs now is too radical? 

It's in the bylaws now!

Members who disagree with her plans, need to let her know and motion for action at the Tuesday membership meeting.

I certainly think this is wrong and totally undemocratic. This is how business unionism works: Even if we vote for it, the union president can stop or delay what we want.  

UPDATE: The membership meeting had not enough in attendance for a quorum. But the question about it was brought up. President Pennie and Vice President Mark stood firm on their justification to wait until January. 

UPDATE: Just four days after this was published, President Pennie changed her plans. Unfortunately, instead of admitting she was wrong for trying to postpone it until next year (notice how her letter has no date on it). This is standard operating procedure for business unionists.  They never apologize nor admit poor judgement. Anyway, the first Saturday membership meeting will commence in September! Special thanks to members who put the pressure on!

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