No Fear, No Problem!

CTA Mismanagement uses fear to control the CTA workers
After belittling me for not completing one of multiple repairs during inspection of a rail car—and my speaking up about how its unsafe to expect me to do it—a CTA mismanager recently told me "you are the only one complaining about this issue."

Correction: I am the only one who has NO FEAR about complaining to you about it. 

You all expect us to complete a dozen pages of inspection procedures and are very ungrateful when we make time to do just one repair. 

With all the responsibilities we have, you should be grateful that the Inspection Crew does any repairs!

You all take my annoying alarms as a problem. You even seek to silence me through punishment and intimidating CTA workers who you see talking with me out of earshot. 

Some of you even threaten them with suspension if they complain to me about your mismanagement!


You are destroying the CTA and public transportation in Chicago!

You are the problem, not us!

You are why the CTA is losing riders! 

You are the reason why morale is at historic lows, regardless of how many sandwiches, pizzas and trinkets you give us.

You think you can keep berating us! 

You think that you can keep punishing us for getting sick, injured or caught up in the hazards you refuse to remove!

You keep putting more work on us, not providing tools we need and hiring enough workers!

We give our lives in service to the people of Chicago and you had better start respecting our concerns or you will have to deal with a helluva lot more than one annoying union steward!

Party on, CTA mismanagers! Hug, kiss and dance with the union presidents and their loyalists as they shove penny-raises and Contract extensions down our throats! Be grateful that our union misleadership protects you from the collective wrath of CTA workers. 

If the CTA rail workers in ATU Local 308 elect me to be their president, your crap will no longer be tolerated!


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