Off The Fiscal Cliff with Pizza and Video Surveillance!

All-You-Can-Eat Pizza and Video Cameras

CTA Mismanagement and their Lie Department have worked some powerful spells on my fellow union officials with their "Fiscal Cliff" sky-is-falling trope: They convinced us to "ratify" an extension of a crappy Contract and take a 4% raise

However, I think massive fraud was involved as none of the ballots had any kind of serial numbers or tracking. The majority of members in this poll hated that Contract Extension.

Maybe you saw these jaw-dropping posts at the Chicago Transit Justice Coalition Facebook Page on July 22nd and July 24th recently: 

In 2024, they gave $40,000 to Freddie's Pizza for "CATERING" and a whopping $15,000,000 to Railhead Corporation to "DESIGN A VIDEO SYSTEM" on trains that already have a fully-functioning system. As it stands, even the Forest Park Police Department thinks the video system is "excellent." Why do we need a new one? Is it x-ray? Does it see into the future?

All the facts—and more disturbing evidence—are freely available through the RTA's "CTA Contracts" website. See the screenshots here:


Look below at this "price list" of what CTA workers are charged on their paychecks if they lose any of this equipment. These usurious prices must be making someone rich!
CTA employees are punished with writeups and paycheck deductions if these items are lost or stolen

Someone tell me where the "Fiscal Cliff" is and how was it found? Is there an edge to this cliff? It certainly seems all the rage of CTA mismanagement, their "union" partners and the politicians.

Put your ideas in the comments below. 


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