Threatened For Speaking Up at Work

This morning a coworker mentioned they were threatened by a "supporter" of mine via text message. Others were sent something similar. I immediately apologized and promised to investigate during lunch break. Upon searching the phone number—872-877-6052—I found a message from this person in my phone too. 

Here is what was sent to me:

I believe that this person is allegedly either a CTA mismanager or a sympathizer of the corrupt union misleadership that fears an Eric Basir administration at Amalgamated Transit Union Local 308.

To stir up greater animosity between me and those who object to my philosophy of Revolutionary Unionism is textbook union-busting devilment. In all revolutionary movements—even non-violent ones such as what I advocate—threats of death are often instigated within the community where the leadership resides.

This threat will not stop me. It will motivate me!

I will continue to condemn CTA mismanagement and the barbaric, inhumane, working conditions. I will continue to recruit CTA workers for learning about the Contract, bylaws, their Rights and more!

I serve a mighty God. He lives and He will protect me as long as I remain True to the Golden Rule and my Self-Accusing Spirit. 

Not one of my coworkers is my enemy. Even those who hate me and work every opportunity to get others to join with them. That includes the rotten, boss-loving traitors who were elected. I will call you out. But should there ever be an opportunity to reconcile, all of you know I will gladly take it.

I know our enemies are the Billionaire Bloodsuckers of the Poor and their agents—Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and White. Politicians and union officials are some of the worst ones. But they know I know who they are and that is why they try to punish those who speak up.

For those of you who support my efforts: Help our coworkers. Don't threaten or harm them—even if they conspire and desire to do it to me. Embrace the haters. Debate the haters. But never ever use violence against them. NEVER EVER SIDE WITH CTA MISMANAGEMENT against them! We must not become like Keith Hill, Pennie McCoach, Eric Dixon, Ken Franklin and the other insecure Business Unionists.

We will either win our opposition over or let them be what they choose. One or the other. But there can be no compulsion.

For the coward who texted me to stop criticizing CTA mismanagement and to Shut The F--- Up or else: Bring it sucka! 


I look forward to seeing your threat manifest so I can watch my God show His Hand.

UPDATE: On August 4, I submitted a formal complaint (#T24020076) to the Chicago Police Department

UPDATE: On August 5, the Chicago Police Department assigned a non-criminal complaint number: JH375659

UPDATE: On August 7, the same person at 872-877-6052 sent the following text message: “I hope you get another safety [violation].” I have labeled this person's phone number as "Coward" so I can sort the messages.

Best wishes from an enemy

UPDATE: On August 10, the same coward sent the following text message: "I wish more shops were like Kimball." 

A proud, cowardly union buster


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