ATU Leadership Must Change Or Our Union Will Die

Why Are You a Union Official?
I must be frank about my status as an ATU official who was elected by members who distrust "the union"—and who was almost unelected by "the union" in March of 2024. 

The first thing I wonder when I meet another ATU official is: How does this person treat the members and do they help their employer punish them and suck their blood? 

I trust the members who despise me far more than I trust almost all of the elected ATU leadership. 

Most are only in the position for easy money. Some just want to be the boss they never could be had they become a manager. I was a "boss" ("manager" or "president") of my own business for 18 years prior to changing careers as a CTA employee. 

I believe these so-called union leaders are cheap con artists that wouldn't last three months if they were running their own business. They think being "in charge" means to be a boss. 

They have no idea that with the responsibility of managing an operation, you must be a servant to those who need it. You must do what is right and stick to principles. You must apologize when you are wrong and never punish the members who disagree with you. You must accept responsibility for what those did before you—and make no excuses when you fail.

In a union, our principles are codified in the ATU Constitution and Local Union bylaws. From it, you will clearly see that the only "boss" are the members. 

In our union, the elected leaders are, in fact, the employees of the members. We must be loyal only to the membership—regardless of their circumstances. Relationships with management are contradictory to the relationships we need with the membership.

This is why King Costa, the Policeperson, The Shadow and The Anointed One fear and hate me—and all others who they cannot control. 

They openly display affection for and serve our employers and the politicians. 

Me and the others serve the members. We know that workers are the TRUE power, it is our job to help them realize it and ACT on it. 

When that happens, they will eventually lay down their tools and stop operating the machines. 

Others will be inspired to follow them. 

The cities will shut down. The corporate welfare bloodsucking system and their warmongering captains of industry will starve.  

This cruel world of profits-over-people will be one step closer to decapitation. It may not happen in my lifetime, but I will die knowing that I did my part to help make it happen. 

What about you?


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