CTA Workers Need Real Raises

We are barely keeping up with inflation rates
The UAW won contracts last year: From 33% to 160%. 

The Teamsters UPS contract last year: 35% raises over 5 years 

The American Airlines pilots contract last year:  46% raises over 4 years. 

Inflation has put us in the hole by at least 15% since 2020. Raises barely kept pace (unsustainable).

We must demand, FIGHT LIKE A REAL UNION for and accept NO LESS THAN A 33% raise over three years! 

That must include generous paid leave, Full-Time Jobs For All, Two-Person Crews, Brick-and-Mortar Bathrooms and RESPECT from CTA management! 

No more parties! No more trips and sports! We must organize mass action and take what we deserve!


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