Local 308 Elected Leaders: Pick a Side!

Pro-CTA union officials are not helping us with their "good relationships with management"
President Pennie is so upset I was the catalyst for the sudden air conditioner repair at Howard Platform Ready Room Shanty this week.

At the Bored Meeting, she was blabbing over and over about how I didn’t “talk to the right people” and I don’t have “good relationships” with mismanagers.

She basically wants us to suffer from heat stroke while she talks nice to get things fixed for us later and I want immediate attention to our needs so Servicers don’t get sick or die.

Then she blabs about some Clerks think they are managers! It was regarding the Rail Operations System Pick where the gxddamn mismanagement is ORDERING Clerks to direct members out on IOD to tell union reps what they want to Pick!

She switches to Potty Mouth Union Boss mode and curses her mismanager friends for wanting to push off administration work on union officers.

She beats us over our heads with that “good relationships” religion and then picks on “some Clerks” who allegedly want to be like managers…but are basically just following orders from the mismanagers!

President Pennie: MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

Please pick a side!

No wonder so many Clerks are withholding dues!

Don’t even ask about my Unfair Labor Practice charge where I prove that CTA mismanagement is using our lack of Paid Leave and “dipping off” for favors and then burning us with non-grievable Last-Chance Agreements. Also how they “accelerate” punishment to coerce us into the Last Chance Agreements.

No! She and Shadow President Weems says acceleration of punishment is in CTA guidelines and we cannot do anything about it!

Then she ADMITS that we officers are supposed to read the CTA Last-Chance Agreement to effectively sell it to the member.

Hell no!

The Worker has a clean record and now will be fired for breaking a rule? Are we union or non-union?

Just be happy you have a job they say!

Gxxdamn BOOTLICKERS! Fight for the CTA workers! Not CTA mismanagement!


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