2024 Shop Pick Facts & Rumors

If it ain't in writing...

 UPDATE: See the latest Pick information at this link.

Rumors are floating around about the Fall Shop Worker Pick. Besides the facts I could share from Brother Lamont—who was allowed to participate in the Pick meeting by President Pennie—believe nothing. 

Even what he was able to obtain should not be accepted as 100% accurate because nothing was given to us in writing. 

However, it is definitely closer to the Truth than the rumors.

I shared the details in my latest Officer Report (shared originally on my virtual union hall):

2024 Fall Pick Meeting report

However, if it ain't in writing, it's purely speculative.

The latest rumor is that the Shop Worker Pick will go into effect on November 1st. After I was asked about it, I immediately emailed President Pennie to get some facts:

I heard a rumor that the new Shop Pick is to go in effect Nov. 1st. Can you please confirm if this is accurate and please tell us any other information we can share?

She responded:

Good afternoon Bro. Basir Local 308 have not received any pick  materials or had a pick meeting regarding the maintenance department ,once the authority notify Local 308 yourself and Lamont will be notified.

As always, I promise to keep you abreast of any updates. If you are not receiving email updates, please register for my virtual union hall email list at this link now.


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