The End Is Here!

Our Destiny Is Not In Who We Vote For

Some coworkers have expressed anxiety about the election. They think it’s the “end of unions” because Trxmp won. 

We forget that during his reign, the Janus Law was born. This blatant union-busting effort was supposed to destroy us too. 

It didn’t work. 

Some coworkers thought that the Janus Law was government’s way of helping rid us of corrupt union leadership. 

That didn’t work either. 

They did not want to sacrifice the time to organize and take control of their unions. My fellow union officials who spit on our democratic rights sell us out with even greater impunity!

The path of least resistance has no value in history. If you are not democratically-directing elected leadership—and holding them accountable—the union becomes nothing but another layer of oppression.

If you are not involved in the Revolution, you will be run over by the Status Quo.

Project 2025 is another, albeit more significant, initiative. Like Janus, it will fail because it will ultimately galvanize all unions across political and ethnic lines. 

The Janus Law only weakened the corrupt, business unions (slightly). It sparked renewed interest in unions and strengthened union democracy. 

The “end of unions” began long before Trxmp—ironically—with the creation of the NLRA (and others like the RLA and Landrum-Griffin). 

This historic law gave birth to Business Unionism

President Roosevelt (Democrat) knew that the collective power of ordinary people was overwhelmingly destructive to the status quo. Wars between workers and their bosses was commonplace (read all about it in Strike by Jeremy Brecher). Those who came before us were on the way to creating a society that could truly be liberating and just.

So he organized a way to keep the union elected leadership and big business happy: 

  1. Automatic payroll deduction for dues (so members couldn’t easily withhold dues to protest crappy leadership)…

  2. For strikes to be illegal without first going through a contractual bureaucracy (so big business could still fire or punish workers, but not easily slaughter them outright in the street). 

Mantras about communists, socialists and patriotism stoked fear about anything that sounded “collective.”

Worry not dear coworkers who voted against Trxmp. 

Be not content dear coworkers who voted for Trxmp. 

He will end up being just like all the other presidents before him:

An obedient servant to the International Billionaire Bloodsuckers of The Poor and their Prison Industrial Complex War Machine. 

The end is here alright: The end of Business Unionism. 

And that is a good thing!


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