Movie Review: The Order

Brother Eric StruchThis guest blog article is by Brother Eric Struch, unjustly-fired CTA worker and supporter of CTA workers.

This movie is *^@! 

Zero stars. 

Contradictions between fascism and the FBI secret police are non-antagonistic. 

The strategy of fascism is not insurrectionary, there is never a "seizure of power," they seek to be integrated with the state in the same way Azov was in the Banderite neocolony. 

The Order really thought they were going to hang senators. So the secret police had to remind them of their actual assigned role. 

Apart from attacks on state officials and federal property, the regular police and secret police were already quite able carrying out their program. 

The 55th anniversary of the CPD-FBI death squad assassination of Chairman Fred and Defense Captain Mark Clark was just a few days after this review was published. 

The Philadelphia Police bombing of the MOVE house on Osage Avenue happened only a year after the events in this movie took place. Surely both of those crimes would have met with The Order's approval. 

The secret police and regular police don't need any help keeping their boot on the necks of oppressed nation people. 

Right now the utility of organized fascism to the monopolists is in its ability to create public opinion for further repressive activities by the state. I wasn't buying the idea the movie was selling that these FBI goons want to "get" the fascists. 

I was never fooled. 

As a teenaged anti-fascist skinhead, that was already made plain to me when we would get arrested for fighting the Nazis and the Nazis we were beating on were always let go. 

I always understood that and I don't appreciate it when people try to obfuscate that fact.

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