Shop Workers Slapped in The Face Again

Meme donated by Ken Kranklin
In another unprecedented slap in the face of the Local 308 members, President Pennie McCoach kept me out of the monthly Executive Board Meeting for December. 

She has openly declared that I should not be included in union affairs because "he puts everything on Facebook," I am "too lazy to get my head out of bed to help members" and I "refuse to maintain good relationships with management."

She refuses to help me fight against CTA Contract violations regarding the Grievance Procedure, Accelerated Discipline for members, is continuously setting me up for writeups and siding with CTA mismanagement when they try to punish me.

She also kept me out of the Shop Worker Pick, banned me from accessing her Facebook "Lives" regarding the Terrible Agreement and openly tells members that they cannot request me to represent them (violation of Weingarten Law). 

She always makes up convenient excuses to cover up the fact that she wants to punish members who elected me.

Below is an email thread between her and myself regarding the meeting (click to zoom in). She did not respond to my final response at the bottom. She continued to insist that I was training and could not attend. 

As I indicated by the previous training session, that was never a problem before. Now, all of a sudden it is? 

I suppose this is just part of her "maintaining good relationships with management." As they did her a favor by telling their Kimball Shop Terrorists to stop calling cops on me, they did her a favor by not letting me attend her Bored Meeting. 

The corruption is rampant


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