Trump Is Right…But
Getting United States taxpayer revenue involved in that war was a huge error (none of these wars are necessary).
No matter what side you are on, this event will build more support for Trxmp and his “straight talk.”
Now I see more clearly why so many coworkers who support my mission to liberate Local 308 from CTA control are big Trxmp supporters. He didn’t play nice. He didn’t pull punches.
Neither do I. At a certain point, a man has got to tell it like it is and hold fast to one's principles. Other than accumulating genuflection and wealth, it is clear to me that Trxmp is no different than any other politician—Democrat and Republican.
Regardless, I actually agreed with him on several points. His mockery of Zelenski and the newsmedia was also on point.
Too bad he won’t take the same attitude with Netanyahu and keeps the war machine fed.
I will write that again:
Too bad he won’t take the same attitude with Netanyahu and keeps the war machine fed.
And that is why I have no faith that Trxmp is sincere about avoiding the “World War III” he described.
Regardless of the opportunists and showboating, facts or function, we are witnessing warmongers tear each other apart—and THAT is a good thing!
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