Overtime For Rail Car Repairers (and all Non-STO workers)

Never accept less than 8 hours for 8 hours
Overtime for Rail Car Repair ers is covered in our Collective Bargaining Agreement regarding Rail Car Repairers (AKA Attachment C). However, it is hard to find. In the last three pages, I included a rarely seen “side agreement” that specifically indicates the overtime policy for Rail Car Repairers. 

Again, this is NOT included in totality of Attachment C of the ATU/CTA Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is buried in Exhibit A, under No. 37 (11/02/2003). That is found on page 321 of 494. You can search for it here: http://www.chicagotransitworker.com/rights-contract.html

Confused yet? 

Don't worry, I dug it out and made a separate 3-page PDF file for you to view on my blog (It is downloadable and sharable with this link):

You can also refer to Article 7.1(b)(2):

Anytime a manager tries to give you overtime for anything other than 4 or 8 hours, they are violating the Contract. 

Notify them, cite this agreement respectfully in the presence of coworkers. If they persist on violating you and you choose to not engage in concerted activity when clocked out, work safely, follow the rules and submit a grievance immediately. Download and print a grievance form here.

Or ask me for one if you see me.

Warning: You only have 30 days to submit the grievance the union office.

Consequently, there is a class action grievance pending with an arbitrator on a similar issue when the CTA was giving Shop workers 7.5 hours of overtime. It covers all Shop workers, including Servicers. Learn about it here: https://ericbasir308.blogspot.com/2022/06/shop-worker-overtime-class-action.html

I also made a PDF of the entire Excel Agreement with the Overtime side letter plugged in the last three pages here: 

Full Excel Agreement with Overtime Side Letter


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