Refuting The False Charges: Executive Disrupter?
In the fourth and final false charge, President Pennie, VP Weems and their Executive Bored allege that I refused to abide by "directives" and "disrupted" the meeting, forcing them to call the cops:
What directives did I refuse?
What disruption did I do to warrant being kicked out for refusing directives so the police would be called?
Why was Sister President Pennie removing an elected union officer who was being paid by the members to be present and advocate for them?
You see, I was elected by the members to be there—paid for lost time at work too! So I refused to leave because I did nothing wrong! I only asked questions the sellouts didn't like!
That is the disruption.
I bet you didn't know that it was Vice President Weems who violated almost half of their fake Code of Conduct rules by interrupting my questioning because I expressed sympathy with a fired member. He sent the member away and brought up a whole new order of business to remove me.
That’s right. Brother Mark Weems disrupted my questioning of the fired member, fostered my removal—and when I refused to leave—I get charged with “disrupting the meeting”?
Although he will deny it and talks tough about some "recordings" and garbage "minutes" in his text message to me, he orchestrated this whole mess.
If he had a man-to-man talk with me during a break or after the meeting about his objections with my showing sympathy to a member, we could have reached an understanding. But no, he just had to FREAK OUT and throw me out.
This entire document wreaks of unprofessional and corrupt misconduct by persons who seem more obsessed with silencing one militant voice—but not concerned at all about the expired Contract, our low wages and defending the CTA and its third-party administrator.
These false charges are not about this bullshxt, unconstitutional contrived Code of Conduct (click to enlarge):
The false charges are squarely about my unwavering support for human beings who are chronically abused by a cold-blooded, merciless, outlaw employer.
Freedom and expression and passion regarding the ATU Preamble and Obligation should be embraced and encouraged. Not met with vindictiveness and tyranny!
These charges are nonsense, an embarrassment to the ATU and a condemnation of insecure, undemocratic, inept, pro-CTA misleadership.
Ironically, the same words—disrupting and disturbance—were constantly thrown around when the CTA mismanagers called police to remove me from Kimball.
up on 2/13 at 6:30 pm to vote no on her and Vice President Weems’s
attempts to show the CTA how loyal they are to the demonic mismanagers.
Vote no on these false charges and tell them to DO WHAT WE PAY THEM TO DO!
Focus on the CONTRACT and not a Boogeyman!
This is such an important fight for union democracy. You are under personal attack to silence and crush dissent and accountability of the leadership to the members. Go Eric! I’m not in 308, in 587 in Seattle. Same dynamic though 308 seems to have brought this democracy fight within ATU to a new high (or low?). You are fighting for us all. Their attack is a testament to the threat they feel to their unchecked power. They are the ones who should be facing charges for disrupting and attacking an elected eboard officer who is actually doing his job to the members.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the support. It is absolutely frustrating