Refuting The False Charges: ULP on ATU?

The union bosses lie and disregard bylaws that check their corruption
In the third false charge served to me by the Executive Board, they claim I told a member that I would help them put [ILRB] “labor charges” against Local 308?


I have never done, nor advocated such a thing at the Executive Bored meeting—or anywhere.
Ironically, it is a member's RIGHT to do so—and that includes suing the union. It's called the Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959. Moreover, the union cannot punish members who do it!

Regardless of our rights, I discourage members from filing ULP charges on our union!

That includes calling police on members.

All of my labor charges are against our outlaw, terrorist employer—and they are public record (I wonder how many elected union leaders dare to even try)! 

Ironically, not a single ATU official has ever assisted with or supported my labor charges—nor Section 22 charges I have submitted for their betraying members to managers, refusing to enroll new members and using violence against me when they refuse to answer questions.

Frankly, this charge is a goddamn lie! I told a member—who the Board abandoned—that I would ASSIST her in filing ILRB charges against the CTA if the membership could not overturn the Board’s decision.

The CTA fires good, hard-working people like her to no fault of their own. That is my DUTY as a union official to help them!

Ironically, after barely succeeding to do just that at the January 9th membership meeting, I told her again. In addition I told her the officials are trying to punish me for helping her. She was confused why they would do that.
Show up on 2/13 at 6:30 pm to vote no on her and Vice President Weems’s attempts to show the CTA how loyal they are to the demonic mismanagers. 
Vote no on these false charges and tell them to DO WHAT WE PAY THEM TO DO! Focus on the CONTRACT and not a Boogeyman!


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