Refuting The False Charges: What Facts?

The union bosses lie and disregard bylaws that check their corruption
In her "Important Message" video, President
Policeperson Pennie McCoach claims to have “facts” to back her false charges, but provides NOTHING! 
She displayed only PART of a heated email thread from a member who demanded she stop blocking me from representing him.
Fortunately, you can examine the entire thread below. The most recent message is at top, with earlier messages descending. Everyone's information except mine and the president's is detracted (click to enlarge):
Full context will show how our exchange escalated


That email has NOTHING to do with her false charges by the way. See the false charges for yourself below.
Show up on 2/13 at 6:30 pm to vote no on her and Vice President Weems’s attempts to show the CTA how loyal they are to the demonic mismanagers. These sellouts are obsessed with silencing me and keeping secrets from the members.
Vote no on these false charges and tell them to DO WHAT WE PAY THEM TO DO! Focus on the CONTRACT and not a Boogeyman!


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