Striking Hypocrisy

President Pennie stands with Local 689 strikers, but fights any efforts of a Local 308 strike

It was great to see the Local 308 president, Sister Pennie McCoach so enthusiastic about striking this weekend. But this was hundreds of miles away with members of ATU Local 689

What about in Chicago where we suffer WORSE indignities under an expired Contract?

I am going to tell you the raw, ugly, nasty, funky TRUTH…

When it comes to us in Chicago, I don't believe she would support or motion for anything that even resembles a strike—let alone an off-the-clock free speech protest. Neither will Vice President Mark “The Shadow” Weems. 
If they won't even show up to protest about our terrible working conditions for 10 minutes, why would they want to organize a strike?

Truly FIGHTING for things like this are not on their agenda:
  • Paid Sick Days
  • Full Time Jobs For All
  • Two-Person Crews
  • Proper Tools and Equipment 
Like Boss Hill and all the other 241/308 boss agents decades before them, they will share nothing about their “Contract negotiations” until Dorval’s lawyers give them a Contract to sell us. 

During her and The Shadow’s failed, asinine campaign to unelect me, she even had loyalist Cassie Collins publish a letter to me by King Costa’s ghost-writer CTA lawyer CONDEMNING a measly strike authorization vote. 

She has discouraged members that want to strike during her deceptive campaign for president—and in her campaign of false charges to unelect an elected officer

She and Local 241 president Keith “The Anointed One” Hill may support other workers’ strikes, but will work hard to stop any chance of a strike among ATU Chicago members. 

Her refusal to publicly condemn the General Manager who ordered police to illegally remove me—about a peaceful protest on a public sidewalk after workers were unjustly written up—proves her loyalty to our outlaw employer. 

Sadly, because ALL of Local 689—especially WMATA workers—is not on strike, this sacrifice by sincere Fairfax Connector workers may likely be crushed. I believe King Costa is just using them for a cutesy photo opportunity to secure another three years of $300,000 riches from our blood money. He cannot stomach losing cash for a WMATA—or CTA—worker strike. 

Members need to understand that members must be the ones to initiate ANY action that you believe would be good for us as a union. To vote and hope for an elected dope to “lead” you is a fantasy. 

This is why I call vehicle maintenance workers to assemble for things like the CTA Shop Worker Pick Meeting. I want members to speak their mind freely, have a stake in the wins/losses and guide our union

That is how REAL unions work. It never worked any other way. Put hope in yourselves. Take control of your union

Source of photo: ATU Official Facebook Page


  1. Fucking phony ass, representation , come back and bring real change for our part time slave workers in Chicago local308


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