Why I am voting NO on the 4% Raise

The 4 percent raise is only a concession by us
During an ATU Local 308 "Emergency Executive Board Meeting" at 3pm on June 8th, President Pennie (and Mark) announced extension of our expired Collective Bargaining Agreement and a 4% raise to granted us effective July, 2024.

There was no "emergency" other than Pennie and Mark's desperate need to recruit us for mailing fliers to members from the CTA lawyers this weekend. 

Yes, that is what I wrote: Fliers to members from the CTA lawyers. By the way, the flier is buried in the cyber maze known as the ATU Local 308 official website here. You can also find it at the Chicago Transit Justice Coalition Scribd archive (below).

This was a well-orchestrated stage fight between CTA mismanagement and Presidents Keith Hill (Local 241), President Pennie McCoach (Local 308). I would NEVER sign my name to any such agreement if I was president.

The sneakiest part of this deal is the extension of the Contract. By doing so, we cut ourselves out of holding the CTA mismanagement accountable for ignoring the new state law regarding Paid Sick Leave! Yeah, that's right. While we are getting written up and fired for being sick, our own state government has given us the right to have Paid Sick Days! Read it for yourself and tell me why my fellow union officials want to extend this crap Contract?

Yes, I am disappointed. Certainly, I am angry. The Chicago Transit Justice Coalition Facebook Page spotlighted the intrinsic business unionist deception: 

"We are concerned about how this unprecedented agreement was established without any input from members."

Concerned indeed!

We deserve a 14% raise, Paid Sick Days and more NOW. That would be truly historic. Yet it will never happen without involvement of the members through the threat of real collective action. In fact, when I brought this up during the "question" portion of the meeting, I was promptly disconnected after President Pennie said "we cannot [strike] in Illinois."

What a disgrace. She refuses to acknowledge that we actually have an implicit RIGHT TO STRIKE in Section 17 of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. Since she, Mark and their loyalists say I "misinform" members, please read it for yourself. 

What she means is "I don't want to spoil my good relationships with CTA management." 

She frequently reminds me that I deserve my write-ups for doing union business on my phone during lunch. Her justification is that I don't have good relationships with mismanagers. True. But I have much better relationships with CTA union workers—and that is all that matters.

At best this is an "advance payment" on that typical "retro pay" nonsense we deal with every few years. It's nothing more than another cost savings on our backs. 

I recommend that all of you, discuss, debate and consider voting no on this insulting "raise" from our cheapskate employer. Please post your opinion in the comments. 

Below are some direct messages I have received so far (I will update this article as they roll in):

"So if I am understanding correctly they are trying to pass a 4% raise to extend our last contract which expired in December 2023 till December of 2024?  This was done in secret meetings apparently between union leadership and management without informing members. And 4%?? Dorval gets a 33% raise without any issue? Our leadership should be taking a strike vote and fighting for our new contract along with real world wage  increases and better working conditions. It appears they are trying to pacify us once again while they “negotiate” our new contract. Ridiculous. I plan to vote NO." —Rail Maintenence Worker

"I read your post, I agree the 4% is a joke. Just an advance payment instead of owing us retro pay. I think they are doing this because the DNC is coming soon and they wanna spend no time having contract negotiations with the union or hearing a strike talk around that time. Best way to shut us up is throwing that money at us." —Rail Operations Worker

Eric when are we going to strike or vote. Let's us know. 4% and then they don't talk about midnight raise we only get .50 cents. They said last night to go and vote no on the 24th. We will vote no we all agree." —Rail Maintenence Worker

"Its total bullshit. Would be a feather in Dorval Carter’s cap to extend the contract. What else would happen? Is insurance scheduled to increase, union dues going up? —Retired Rail Operations Worker

"Dorval Carter under pressure. He is trying to make himself look good to the politicians and union members in 241 and 308, who hate his ass!" —Retired Bus Operations Worker

They are trying to be slick. Let's not forget the DNC convention. They wanna. Ensure we won't strike. They should have thought about that beforehand. Nope. —Bus Operations Worker



Extended CBA and 4% Raise by Chicago Transit Justice Coalition on Scribd


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