An Evil Experiment To Kill More CTA Full-Time Jobs!

I never got a response until the last minute
UPDATE (10/4): During an out-of-control tirade at the Executive Board meeting on October 4th—with support of President Pennie—ATU Local 308 Vice President Mark Weems was adamantly denying anything I wrote below (except for letting Second Chancers work during AM shifts so that the CTA could allegedly "give" Full-Time Servicers more weekends off). I know what I heard. He called me a liar, clown and threatened me (along with his loyalists). But I also condemned him as the liar and defender of CTA mismanagement. He later apologized to us for his tantrum. We must demand that nothing change for the Second Chance Program except that it be replaced with Full-Time Permanent jobs.  

I just got out of a Pick meeting conference call that was never told to me until the moment it started!

Ironically, I was on the phone with workers who were complaining to me about being sold out on an Operations Pick and a Shop worker who was unjustly written up. 

As shown in the picture at left, when she sent me a link for it this weekend, there was no date or time for it!

The last "Pre-Pick" meeting was scheduled during my working time. Even though I pleaded with her to take me off work for it, she refused. It is obvious I am being blocked and silenced.

Our union President Pennie McCoach and Vice President, Mark Weems expressed agreement with CTA mismanagement to consider presenting a Contract change for an expansion of Second Chance jobs. This includes an “experimental pick” for the Second Chance workers. 

They were talking about ridiculous “Contract changes” like having Second Chancers work all shifts and pick schedules! 

If that’s the case, just make them Full-Time Permanent!

This insulting "experiment" is antithetical to our Union Constitution's Preamble, Obligation and Contract proposals submitted to reform the Second Chance program into a guaranteed path to Full-Time Permanent Servicer and Janitor jobs. 

I vehemently protested this plot and was blown off! When I had a chance to speak, I boldly declared that we need LESS Second Chance jobs and MORE Full-Time Permanent jobs! This is what the CTA workers want. This is what they are telling me. But it seems like Mark and Pennie don't want what the workers want!

For Mark and Pennie to go along with this evil "experiment" is pure treason! Just by entertaining the proposal was an insult to all ATU members throughout North America!

The CTA is VIOLATING the Contract by making the poor Second Chancers do everything that Full Time Servicers do now—with half of the pay, double the punishment and almost zero benefits.

We cannot tolerate any more “experiments” on the poor, exploited Second Chance workers. This disastrous and diabolical scheme will HURT our Full-Time Servicers, our pension and make our union weaker! 

Dear Members: Call them now and demand they help us bargain for a REAL Contract change that will make Second Chance a true Apprentice program that leads to Full-Time Permanent jobs. When they come to you with this crap in the Contract, VOTE NO!!!

Pennie McCoach, President, Local 308
(708) 426-4874

Mark Weems, VP
(773) 678-2992

We must have MORE FULL-TIME Servicers and Janitors. Not more Second Class SLAVERY at the CTA! Also, please sign my petition to change the Second Class Program into a real Second Chance Program.


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