CTA Police Force: The Ugly Truth
Dear CTA coworkers: The ATU presidents don’t really want a CTA police force so you can feel safe.
At best, they want armed personnel shooting or locking up the lost souls who terrorize us so we will not demand from our employer essential needs like sanitary work areas and sick days without punishment.
Never mind the fact that the lost souls will come back out of jail and terrorize us again.
Like their idiot mismanager partners, the ATU presidents want us focused on short-term, reactionary solutions.
Here’s the deeper, subconscious reason they want a CTA police force:
They want it so they can intimidate and punish you for disobeying them (and their masters at CTA headquarters).
For them, policing and fear of punishment is the solution to all of our problems.
You heard the Business Union Boss Greatest Hits Mix-Tape all too many times:
“Just Obey and Be Happy You Have a Job, You Ungrateful Slob!”
“Grieve Later and the Almighty Arbitrator Will Decide If You Live or Die!”
And their all-time, greatest Platinum Single:
“Silly Fool! We Can’t Tell The CTA What To Do!”
This is why they support “accelerated discipline” with No-Chance Agreements and allow CTA mismanagers to violate Labor Law, Human Rights and the Contract for the sake of “maintaining good relationships” with them.
If they really wanted you to feel safe, they would help you FIGHT LIKE A REAL UNION for:
When CTA workers are not treated like wild animals and slaves, we will have the inspiration and wherewithal to financially strengthen our communities.
When we invest in our communities, there will be less poverty. Crime thrives when poverty exists.
Don’t congratulate the ATU presidents for hanging all our hopes on a CTA police force. Scrutinize them. Question them. Look deeply at their motivations.
Examine their record and allegiances. Then you can see into the depths of their heart—and their True Intentions!
Are you tired of settling for six-digit-salaried sellouts and elected bosses like the ones who are obsessed with punishment and loyalty for our stingy employer?
I am running for ATU Local 308 president on a the Definite Chief Aim: Liberate Local 308 from CTA control.
No longer can we afford to be the union officials' the Manager-In-Training playground.
What the union officials do must be what the members want.
As mandated by the Preamble of our union Constitution: Our problems and solutions will be discussed, debated and democratically decided by ALL of the members.
If you want to get on board a train for revolutionary change at Local 308, sign up for my Virtual Union Hall now.
Every week you will receive reports about everything going on with our union that I know as an officer. You will get access to virtual meetings and steward classes. You will have a say in decisions I make on your behalf.
I look forward to helping you take control of your union and organizing our workplaces to be safer and to take back what CTA mismanagement has stolen from us.
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