Violent Union Officials Kicking Members Out at Local 308

The volunteer at right assaulted my brother and ATU member
Myself and another ATU member and Chicago Transit Justice Coalition organizer were the only opposition to oversee the ridiculous ratification racket vote count last night. 

The retiree volunteers and other union officials were obsessed with removing us. 

We were peacefully sitting in the corner. They continued to approach and insist we leave. They had no real reason other than Local 241 president Keith Hill wanted my brother gone (one of many members he helped the CTA mismanagement fire). 

We are ATU members. We have every right to observe the vote count. 

After we refused to leave, they became irate and violent. 

When my brother took out his phone to record our silly Local 308 Secretary-Treasurer Brother Cleveland Atkins walk up and chest bump me, the unknown volunteer at right separated us and smacked his phone and water out of my brother’s hands. 

Before he mopped up all the water, he stated that I assaulted him. I still haven't been able to figure that one out. I supposed that lie go out as gospel like when he claimed I called his predecessor a b**** and when the warden, Brother Stanley Gaines, said I wanted to put Unfair Labor Practice charges on Local 308.

King Kong Cleve chest bumping me was so silly

ATU Local 241/308 is full of elected thugs like Brother Cleveland and the unknown volunteer. They love to lie. They hate democracy. They sympathize with CTA mismanagement. They treat members with suspicion. They are abusive control freaks. They destroy lives and careers of members who criticize them. 

This is not an exaggeration. 

I wish more members would step up and take responsibility for our union. I know it’s hard when you will constantly be threatened. However, it’s our union. 

You have me in there as an elected leader. I have no fear of the other officials and no love for their mismanager partners. 

I also declared I will run for president. They know I can win because members stood against them to stop their attempt to unelect me in March. 

So help me out. I can’t do a damn thing to help take our union back from the CTA if you all just sit and watch. Opt-in. Get active. Pennie, Mark, Keith and Cleve hate when you show up and speak out.Register for my virtual union hall and be a part of revolutionary change at ATU Chicago

Read more about the culture of violence at the CTA and among my fellow union officials:


  1. It’s crazy they assault him and try to turn it around with a lie that they were assaulted, where is the outcry.

    1. It is so weird. They act like our union is their cult


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