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What Happened On Tuesday?

By Grease Monkey D. Dragon Undercover CTA Worker Regarding the Servicer that was fired and lost the vote for arbitration, it seems we have an age discrimination case if nothing else. Sounds like he was set up to fail by being assigned the most difficult assignment.  If the Jerry Springer Twins happen to be elected union officers, he could seek age discrimination within the Union as well. It made mad to see them laughing at the coworker. Even some of the officials at the front table were laughing! That poor Motorman with cancer! What a weasel way of our union officials to walk out an ADA protected worker. How could union officials not attempt him with the ADA.  I have a relative who was 45 years old father, got sick with cancer while working. We never once worried about him losing his job, or being accommodated until he could no longer make it to work. Losing benefits and this was pre-FMLA protection! The Howard Switchman workplace violence gives me the idea for a worker forum or anothe

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