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If I Knew…Project 2025

Guest blog article by Grease Monkey D. Dragon, Undercover CTA Worker If I new then, what I read too late. Every young Leftist I know will be voting a third party, or not voting at all. The same as the young Leftists did over 50 years ago, they could not cast a vote for the lesser of 2 evils in good conscience. After the protests,draft, and election , Nixon dropped a  f!@cking ridiculous amount of  bombs  to commit a genocide that got glossed over in history. The US raped the Earth from Vietnam to every country that bordered it. Thailand, and Loas, received a secret Nixon war, that I've heard about from Vets ,BUT for years was kept out of the history of our "failed police action" Yes I'm that many years old!, young men were drafted into a "police action" the "War" title was withheld so the US could keep its winning war record with zero losses. What I've noticed about my once young Comrades now in their 70's is that they now regr

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