More Kimball Shop Lawbreaking

Kimball Shop mismanagers are control freaks that want to keep the workers in fear and ignorance
I was almost escorted out of Kimball Shop breakroom by police again. Before I was ordered to leave, I refused to put away union and Contract information. I made sure to inform the members, Local 308 President Pennie and public about the blatant union busting. 

Of course, our union president never responded. Just like she never responded in February when they called cops on me. She probably feels there is just cause since the mismanagers don't have good relationships with me.

Unfair Labor Practice Charges against the manager who violated the law were emailed to the Illinois Labor Relations Board today.

As Local 308 President Pennie refuses to help me inform the members who pay her lavish six-digit-salary, I am on my own. But that is quite alright with me—as explained in my report about being in court against another CTA mismanager earlier this week.

Take a look at the charges below. Feel free to offer criticisms or comments. Click the pictures to read them up close. 

If you cannot tell by now, but I have no fear of these terrorists. I really don't even need to run for president of Local 308. I am already functioning as the president. However, it would be nice to have more than a few days a month to serve the members. If running for president is what it takes to do the job I was sworn to do, so be it!


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