My ATU Local 308 Presidential Campaign Platform

Let's Take Our Union Back From the CTA!
Yes, I am going to run for ATU Local 308 president. The campaign has already begun.

There is not way around it: President Pennie, Vice President Mark, Secretary-Treasurer Cleve Atkins, their loyalists and the ATU International President, John "The King" Costa are determined to stop me from doing my job an an Executive Board member.

From blocking me from helping members, their attempts to unelect me on false charges, to helping the CTA punish and arrest me and to provoke me into silly street fights, they fear and loathe the possibility that members will have control of Local 308 with a Boogeyman administration.

But let's get to the ugly, nasty Truth: There is nothing any single elected leader can do to change the course of destruction we are on as a union. That requires more of us to step up and be the change we desire. As long as it just me speaking up, there will be little to no progress for democracy for our union. 

We will continue to be sucker-punched with Contract extensions, more Part-Time jobs, anemic raises and other weird pro-CTA mismanagement agreements such as Microtransit and Fitness For Duty.

Until that happens, I can only commit to keep doing what I have been doing. This list will be continuously updated throughout the campaign.

  • Share information about what is going on.

  • Never block or refuse to communicate with a member, no matter how much I may dislike them.
  • Never discuss members' cases to anyone without their permission. 
  • Never agree to an Agreement, Contract or Amendment without your approval.
  • Defend you from the evil CTA mismanagers and lying politicians. 
  • Inspire you to be united and militant in the fight for our jobs and lives. 
  • Never assault, threaten or help the CTA punish any member who I may dislike.

To ensure I remain accountable to these principles, I intend on establishing the following structure:

  • Total reformation of membership meetings in order to remove obstacles for participation and put members in charge of their meetings. View my complete program for membership meeting reformation at my YouTube channel.
  • Allow members to sit in on Executive Board meetings.
  • Evaluations of officers that members can submit about them.
  • Establish a robust Union Steward Program and redirect funding from sports, trips and parties to taking officers and stewards off work to organize, educate and serve the members. View my details about this program at my YouTube channel.

If you want to be a part of helping me do these things, sign up for my mailing list now.


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