Humiliated by CTA Slavedriver

Flash Protest!

I take tremendous pride in the work I do at the Chicago Transit Authority. Working in various jobs, coworkers will attest to this fact. 

While working on the front line, riders awarded me with multiple commendations. Now, working as a Repairer (Mechanic), I am in the background and many coworkers can always count on a helping hand or spare parts.

However, like all of us who work here, the CTA mismanagement does not truly appreciate us. They spend tens of thousands of dollars on pizza (and sandwiches). They spend millions on video surveillance. 

But they cut tens of thousands on safety and millions on good union jobs that keep us safe!

As an Inspector of rail car "trucks," I have dozens of pages of required checkpoints. I strive to cover every single one of them. I even do some repairs. But I am never, ever "doing nothing" and I do my best at all times. 

After writing up the mismanager who humiliated and disrespected my plea to give me the bulletin for a repair I never did before and not miss my dentist appointment, I made this off-the-clock protest video to express my rage with this person's constant disrespect for my safety and dignity (below). 

I also took the opportunity to express outrage about how all of us CTA workers are abused. I will support any CTA worker who does such things!

This same mismanager has been a former union rep. He used to make fun of me in front of coworkers as being "too slow"—until I checked him. He thinks we are the cause of all the problems there—always blaming us for the lack of tools, parts and dangerous facilities. 

In January of this year I represented two midnight Rail Car Repairers (Mechanics) who he wrote up for Poor Work Performance. Their sin? Not getting enough odometer readings on rail cars at Howard Platform at 2 o'clock in the morning!

This act of trifling, ego maniacal excess was so egregious, that I immediately protested against him outside the Shop in this video at my YouTube channel.

During the punishment interview for the first one, I asked mismanager who coworkers call General Extra:

How many hubs (odometer readings) at 2 AM is enough hubs for you?

He said "20."

The next week, he wrote up a coworker on the same shift for the same thing. So I asked him the same question then.

His answer: "30-40."

Do you see the pattern? 

Like myself, these two brothers are known for their serious attitudes and unwillingness to kiss the manager's behind. Like myself—the union rep—General Extra had to prove to his boss that he could put the uppity ones in check!

Even recently, this tyrant told me I have "time management" issues. I use torque wrenches, try to follow every Rule and Bulletin. This "slows" him down and he hates it. 

I'll never forget when I told him to get off my back because I try to follow the manuals, torque specifications, depressurizing the train, etc. He played slick trickster and asked me: "What is the torque specs for the rotor?"

I immediately told him 36 foot pounds for the rotor and 90 foot pounds for the caliper! He shut up real fast. 

I intend to keep being safe and take care of the equipment I am supposed to maintain. Riders and coworkers depend on me doing my job right. Not pleasing a mismanager who has no respect for life or the Rules that preserve it! 

And I certainly will not stop speaking up, regardless of the threats!

UPDATE: On August 12, 2024 the same mismanager ordered me to rush additional repairs after I did other repairs along with a thorough inspection. Refused to provide instructions on one repair. So I told him to give me one that I already knew. I fell after breaking a siezed bolt. I submitted complaints to his manager and our Local 308 union president and other officers. I am unhurt. But I am angry and feel very unsafe and frustrated with being overworked and rushed. 


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