Local 308 Boogeyman Year In Review: 2024

I am the worst nightmare of business unionists
It's been one helluva ride as an ATU Local 308 elected leader! To put it mildly, this first year reminded me of A Nightmare On Elm Street

However, if you ask some of the mismanagers and ATU boss agents I faced, they might say I am the Fred Krueger of their nightmares.


I was slated for removal from office before I was sworn in! 

My first membership meeting as an elected leader was a bizarre spectacle with my family present as I was sworn in while simultaneously being "served" charges by our new Secretary-Treasurer. The only video presentation by our new president of the entire year was totally focused on getting members out to support her and the Shadow President false charges. It was also clear to me that Vice President Mark Weems was more of an agent for CTA mismanagement than a defender of the members. 

Contract proposal meetings with very few plans

These non-recorded, closed-door, single-shift, in-person only sessions for specific crafts were scheduled and held at the union office. In this report by coworker Brother Stevie, we got information for our Rail Car Repairer craft. However, as any militant or revolutionary unionist would tell you, talk is cheap without persistent collective action. It was a cynical act to pacify and silence us.

Newsletter Overdrive

I was already into the fourth edition of my new Shop Talk newsletter. Before I was sworn in, I made sure to get into a good habit of informing and educating the Local 308 membership. Even though my detractors say I misinform the membership, they cannot say that I hide anything from the membership!

Breaking Down Truck Shop, General Repairer and Seniority

One thing about being a union representative is that you often get the same questions. So I make sure I answer with as much information as possible in order to save time explaining it again. Seniority regarding the Repairer Excel hierarchy is a big deal. So I made sure to get it in during the first month of the year. 


Disparate Treatment

The Second Chancers are punished differently than all other ATU-bargained for employees. They are punished at TWICE the severity of the other FTP, FTT and PTT workers. See the class-action grievance that I filed to stop this evil practice.

Attempted Arrest by Outlaw Mismanager

While on union payroll to serve members a Kimball Shop, the General Manager tried to arrest me. She was angry that I protested about her rotten managers that were unjustly writing up workers. This was the beginning of the end for them.

Mark and Pennie Failed to Unelect Me

Members showed up and backed up the Boogeyman. Our president and almost all of my fellow officials blew alot of money to punish me. They failed. 


Suspended For Requesting Information!

The same Kimball Shop General Manager got upset that I was demanding Quality Inspection scores during my investigations about managers that were threatening workers. So she and other managers conspired to hit me with two safety violations. Of course, President Pennie backed up her mismanager friend. I made sure to tell the world about it.

Condemnation of CTA Mismanagement

Punishment does not work. Yet the CTA mismanagement think it does. I broke it down in this article


Ban the Kiosk Cameras!

I call for members to demand the removal of invasive video surveillance in the Customer Assistant kiosks in this article

President Pennie Spits on Shop Worker Vote

In typical business unionist fashion, our president asked us to vote on allowing the CTA mismanagement to get away with violating our Contractural Pick. I complied with organizing it and she destroyed it because it wasn't the results she wanted. Read what happened


Online Steward Classes

I initiated regular online meetings before I was sworn in. However in May, I made sure that every meeting was also the seed of online steward classes. If you have been keeping up, you may notice that I open every meeting with history and organizing lessons. Read about it.


Building For a Bigger Fight: The Second Chance Program

After a year of slowly building up ammunition to attack the flaws of the Second Chance program, I compiled various complaints and grievances to show that change is possible. However, it will require persistence. Read more…

Victorious ULP Charge!

In one of my many Unfair Labor Practice charges against CTA mismanagement, this particular battle against CTA mismanagement was a huge boost for militant union activism. Read about the entire affair from beginning to end. 


Plenty of Money for Pizza!

From "catering" to redundant video systems and usurious fees for workers, I showed how our stingy employer has plenty of money. See everything for yourself here.


Threats For Speaking Up

A clever, but not-to-bright individual at Howard Shop tried to stir up trouble between me and coworkers. Read about the threats and what happened. 

Heat Wave Hell

In what would become a new Unfair Labor Practice charge, CTA mismanagers made the mistake of denying me information during the summer during an investigation why the air conditioning was not functionging at the Howard Terminal Ready Room. Read more here.


Secret Plan to Expand The Second Chance Program

Fortunately, I was present during a meeting with our President, Vice President and Upper Management where they discussed a plan to put Second Chancers in morning positions. Other clues of their intentions were also uttered. I explained it for all to the members and angered both the mismanagement and their union partners. 

No Chance Agreements

In an unprecidented Unfair Labor Practice charge of a dozen members who were entrapped by CTA mismanagement, I took on a case that President Pennie and Mark mocked. They really believe that "accelerated discipline" is justifiable. I differed and took on the case. Read about it.

Mass Murder at the CTA!

Riders and coworkers were victims of gun violence this month. President Pennie and her loyalists worked overtime to pacify angry members and prevent them from talking to news media. I did the opposite. So I wrote how members can talk to the media and stay out of harms way.


Ignorant CTA mismanagement

After spending from extra money given to me by members as an Executive Board Member to design and publish hard-copy paperback Contract Books, almost all mysteriously disappeared. I had to let everyone know and reassess how to keep access at the Shops and Terminals.  


FMLA For All

With a terrible no paid-sick-leave policy and no serious efforts by my fellow union officials to help organize action for them, I wrote an article to teach members how to obtain Intermittent FMLA Leave. It's not a good solution. But until we can build up a real fight, this will do. 


Members Took Control

Rail Car Repairers organized an unimaginable takeover of Local 308 for almost 2 hours! Read about this historic demonstration of democratic power. This moment taught many lessons—many of which should inspire all members to do greater things in 2025!

I hope you enjoyed this summary glance of significant moments of my first year as an elected union leader. I am always looking for inspiration and creative contributions from active, fired and retired members as well. I publish everything, including anything that could be critical of myself.


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